Wednesday 24 July 2013

Yoga for Children

In the fast paced life we are challenged with stress related diseases. The worst affected are the children. Academic pressures, sedentary lifestyle coupled with media overload are some of the outcomes.

In such a scenario, it is absolutely essential that parents inculcate the habit of physical exercise - as distinct from sports and playground activities - in their child/ children. There is no better way to ensure this than to teach them Yoga. Yoga moves beyond physical exercise and is a great tool for calming and controlling the mind and the senses. This, as you'll agree, is more relevant in the case of children who, almost without exception, are hyperactive and excitable by nature and need to be reined in.  

Yoga is an age old science with its implications well documented for todays generation. It is a way of living and views a person as a whole- in body, mind and spirit. At the preliminary level, yoga postures (yogasanas) involves stretching and bending which help in relaxing tensed or contracted body muscles.  These poses carried out in slow, rhythmic repetition are extremely beneficial for toning the body and massaging the internal organs. They help in improving the overall immunity by restoring circulatory, respiratory and digestive vitality. It helps wayward children to get centered and more in tune with their inner selves, even if they may not realize it as such. 

Children can start yoga from age five. A 15 - 20 minute session is enough to get them started. This can be gradually increased to half an hour or more for older children. Starting from simple animal postures to meditating with the corpse pose, small children can enter the rich world of Yogasanas which will help them establish the body-mind-spirit connection. Without doubt, this will see them sail through every sphere of life smoothly.

5 weekend workshop for children (6-8 yrs): Dynamic SunSalutation .

SuryaNamaskar (Sun Salutations) is popularly known for its multi-fold benefits. At the body level it brings flexibility, reduces weight and aides in digestion. It improves blood circulation and the functioning of the lungs and heart. While making the body light and fit it helps improve concentration in children and builds attention in them.

Dynamic SuryaNamaskar is an excellent aerobic exercise to beat the stress and lifestyle issues faced by todays young generation.

This workshop aims at using child friendly methods of storytelling, art and music to explain the benefits of SuryaNamaskar, teach the SuryaMantra with the 12 Surya names, breathing pattern and 12 step SuryaNamaskar to children between 6-8 years of age.

Starting 24 th August 2013, it will be conducted on weekends for 5 weeks ending on 22 nd September (Altogether 10 classes). The seats are limited to no more than15 children on first come first serve basis. Prior to the workshop there will be a small presentation for the parents to orient them and explaining the methods and the materials to be used for the workshop.

Fees- Rs. 2000/- per child.

In the fast paced life, the worst affected are the children. The holistic approach of Yoga makes them healthy and prepares them to face the odds of life. Avail this opportunity for your child to create early interest in Yoga. Help him to boost his stamina and lay foundation for aHealthy Tommorrow.